Running self defense ring ( Is Go-Guarded Legal ? )

In many cities, runners are afraid of being attacked while on their daily jog. To help runners feel more confident and safer, many self-defense products have been created for runners specifically, such as the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring.

Although Go-Guarded Self-Defense Rings may sound good in theory, are they legal, effective, and safe? In this article, we answer just that. Read on to learn about the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring, including its effectiveness, safety, and legality, as well as other wearable self-defense options.

About The Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring

The Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring is a self-defense product targeted towards active women, including runners, hikers, and even walkers. Though they look like a standard ring, this device increases personal safety because it includes a serrated plastic knife that can be used in self-defense.

The purpose of this ring is to have a weapon on the go in case of an attacker approaches while you are running. Its ring design means that it doesn’t get in the way of your running if you don’t need it, but you can whip it out at a moment’s notice.

The blade itself is made from glass-infused heavy-duty plastic so that it can puncture the skin if needed. At the same time, it has a plastic cover that can be moved if you jab the ring at someone, but the cover otherwise protects from accidental scrapes and scratches.

The Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring comes in four colors, including pink, blue, red, and black. Although the ring is not Go-Guarded’s only product, it is one of the more popular options because of its discreet look and convenient design.

Is The Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring Legal?

Whether or not the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring is legal has been debated since it came out. As you likely know, brass knuckles and other handheld personal weapons are illegal in many contexts.

However, most of these bans are on blades longer than three inches, and the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring is smaller than 3 inches. This means that many laws do not touch the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring and other devices.

That being said, there are certain locations where all weapons, regardless of blade size, are illegal. For example, schools, government property, and museums ban all sharp weapons, pepper spray, and mace. In these locations, the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring is illegal.

As for running with the device, jurisdiction changes based on your location. To ensure that you are following all of the laws in your area, we recommend checking with local authorities about the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring before purchase. You can also talk to a lawyer who has experience in the area.

How Effective Is The Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring?

The Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring is not going to dramatically injure an attacker, but it may cause the attacker to back off and give you valuable DNA when you go to the authorities.

In terms of effectiveness, a small plastic blade is not going to severely damage anyone. However, most attackers are more likely to run away from the victim if the victim fights back. Hitting the attacker with the knife one or two times can potentially cause them to run away.

If this happens, not only did you defend yourself, but you also have the attacker’s DNA on the knife. What this means is that you can give the DNA to the authorities so that the attacker can hopefully be caught and taken off the streets.

Although the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring is good in theory for the two reasons above, there are no statistics that show the effectiveness of the ring. Because the ring is not worn by most runners yet, there is nothing concrete to say about its effectiveness.

How Safe Is The Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring?

The Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring is pretty safe. The blade is covered with a flap that will move if you forcibly jab your knuckle at an assailant, but it otherwise protects the serrated blades from any accidental scratches.

The very design of the ring means that it’s virtually impossible to stab yourself. You can stab yourself with the ring if you intentionally do so, but the design of the ring works with your hands so that it doesn’t accidentally stab you in case you fall or trip.

At the same time, it increases safety by offering a self-defense mechanism in the case of an attack. Although it doesn’t guarantee you won’t be attacked, it can help you defend yourself in a worst-case scenario, further increasing safety.

Can the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring Hurt The Person Wearing It?

If you try really hard, the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring can hurt you while you are wearing it, but it is unlikely. Since it is worn on your finger, you would have to intentionally create a fist and jab your hand towards yourself in order for it to injure you.

If you were to fall, you will most likely straighten your hand, which means that the blade will be parallel to your finger and pointing outwards. Because of this position, it’s highly unlikely for you to accidentally hurt yourself while you are wearing it.

What Other Types of Running Self-Defense Wearables Are Popular?

Although the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring has stormed the market, it is not the only self-defense wearable that is popular among runners. Here are some other self-defense weapons you might want to consider:

  • Keychain self-defense weapon
  • Jogger pepper spray
  • Stun flashlight with wristlet
  • Tigerlady

We recommend researching a variety of self-defense wearables to pick one that suits your needs and comfort levels.

Final Thoughts

If you’re afraid to go running on your own, consider purchasing the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring. Make sure to check local ordinances to confirm that a self-defense ring is legal in your area first. If it is, this device can help fight off attackers while minimizing the risk of injuring yourself in the process.

Regardless of whether you have the Go-Guarded Self-Defense Ring, make sure to use your head and be cautious when jogging by yourself. After all, the ring does not prevent attackers from harming you. It only increases your defense strategy in the case the worst happens.

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He has published over 20 books including, Beginner's Guide to Half Marathons: A Simple Step-By-Step Solution to Get You to the Finish Line in 12 Weeks! (Beginner To Finisher Book 3), which has become an Amazon International #1 bestseller. Scott specializes in helping new runners become injury-free race finishers. He recently completed his 22nd half marathon race. 

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Running self defense ring ( Is Go-Guarded Legal ? )

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