Determining race distances for new runners as well as experienced runners wanting a new challenge your mind is constantly trying to convert between the mile and the kilometer. While the U.S.A. still clings to the mile, and will possibly forever, a lot of the races are actually measured in kilometers which is part of the widely accepted metric standard.

What is the conversion from 1 mile to kilometers?
1 mile = 1.6 kilometers (1.60934 kilometers)
What is the conversion from 1 kilometer to miles?
1 kilometer = 0.62 miles (0.621371 miles)
How Many Miles Is a 5K?
The 5K race distance is equal to 3.1 miles.
5 kilometers = 3.1 miles
How Many Kilometers Is a 5K, 10K, 15K?
The “K” in 5K actually is the abbreviated symbol for Kilometers or KM (km).
5K = 5 kilometers
10K = 10 kilometers
15K = 15 kilometers
How Many Miles Is a 10K?
The 10K race distance is equal to 6.2 miles.
10 kilometers = 6.2 miles
How Many Miles Is a 15K?
The 10K race distance is equal to 6.2 miles.
10 kilometers = 6.2 miles
While this is a rare race distance to find, I happened to find a trail race located within an hour of where I live. The trail race is called the Big Mammoth and you get to run around the perimeter of the world-renowned state park of Glenrose, Texas (Known as Dinosaur Valley State Park). If you race here, don’t forget to take a break afterward and look at the dinosaur tracks in the waters of the river.
How Many Miles Is a Half Marathon?
The Half Marathon Race is equal to 13.1 miles.
Half Marathon = 13.1 miles
How Many Kilometers Is a Half Marathon?
The Half Marathon Race is equal to 21.1 kilometers. Although technically the race is 21.1 km, most people will just drop the 0.1 and make it 21K.
Half Marathon = 21.1 kilometers (21 km)
How Many Miles Is a Marathon?
The Marathon Race is equal to 26.2 miles.
Marathon = 26.2 miles
How Many Kilometers Is a Marathon?
The Marathon Race is equal to 42.2 kilometers. Although technically the race is 42.2 km, most people will just drop the 0.1 and make it 42K.
Marathon = 42.2 kilometers (42 km)
How Many Miles Is an Ultra-Marathon?
An Ultra-Marathon Race is anything greater than 26.2 miles.
Ultra-Marathon > 26.2 miles
How Many Kilometers Is an Ultra-Marathon?
An Ultra-Marathon Race is anything greater than 42.2 kilometers.
Ultra-Marathon > 42.2 kilometers
How many miles is a 30K Race?
A 30K Race is equal to 18.64 miles.
How many miles is an Ultra-Marathon 50K Race?
An Ultra-Marathon 50K Race is equal to 31.07 miles.
How many miles is an Ultra-Marathon 100K Race?
An Ultra-Marathon 100K Race is equal to 62.14 miles.
How many Kilometers Is a 50 Mile race?
An Ultra-Marathon 50 mile Race is equal to 80.5 kilometers.
How many Kilometers Is a 100 Mile race?
An Ultra-Marathon 100 mile Race is equal to 161 kilometers.
How many meters is the distance of a standard United States Track?
1 lap of a Standard United States running track is equal to 400 meters.
1 lap = 400 meters
How many laps equal 1 kilometer around a standard United States Track?
2.5 laps = 1 kilometer on a standard U.S.A Track.
How many laps equal 1 mile around a standard United States Track?
1 lap = a quarter-mile (1/4 mile) (roughly)
4 laps = 1 mile (roughly)
Where should you start when attempting a new running habit/routine?
Clients ask me all the time, “How do I get started running?” My reply, “well do you want the long/safe answer or the short/quick answer?” I would get all kind of responses:
- “Running is dangerous?”
- “I don’t have much time, I’ll take the short/quick answer.”
- “I would rather be safe, let’s take the long/safe approach.”
How do get started running (short/quick answer)
First, and foremost, the short/quick answer is for individuals that fit this criterion: in-shape, healthy, no underlying medical conditions, and physically able to run. Are you ready for the answer, “Just start running!” That’s it! Most clients then respond with something like, “So how far, how long, how many times…” and the short answer becomes the long answer with no intentions of tricking them into the long and ultimately non-sexy answer – “it depends.” Since most new runners, are normally not 100% in shape (usually the reason why most of us start running is to get in shape), it’s inevitable that they need a little coaching/advice to get going in the right direction.
How do get started running (long/safe answer)
Firstly, even though I’ll say this for the 111th time (not sure how many times I’ve said it), before you start running you should get a physical wellness check with a medically licensed physician (which I am not). Also, when you get a physical exam, tell them what you’re wanting to do such as, run a 5K, run a half marathon, start a running routine. Based on what you want to do they might run additional tests to make sure you can do this, physically without injuring yourself or worse.
It doesn’t matter If I tell a client to get a physical exam or someone else does. The truth is most people don’t check with their doctor before starting a new exercise habit, especially running. Running is a continuous impact sport that works your leg muscles to no end, have you seen the legs on soccer players and runners – they look really good! Their legs look toned and in shape, because, they are continuously working those muscles.
While the answer to your question might seem short with the links I post below, some of them are deep dives into the subject. With these links below you should be able to create you’re own running regimes and/or follow one of the training plans that I created to get you to your goal. Even if you’re a walker and not a runner.
For absolute new runners – read these posts in the following order:
- Why is running so hard? 35 tips to help you develop a love for running?
- Proper running Form
- How Far Should I Run As A Beginner Runner?
- How Many Miles A Week Should I Run To Stay Healthy?
- What is the Run/Walk Method: All You Need To Know?
- How To Run 1 Mile When You’re Out Of Shape?
Items 1-5 focus on proper technique, how long, how far, and run-walk strategies to ease you into running. Item number 6 is an actual complete free plan that implements a run/walk strategy in getting to your first baby step goal as a runner – running 1 mile without stopping.
Related: 10 Tips To Keep Running When You Feel Like Stopping
After you’re able to tackle the mile you’ll be ready to continue to the next level of running which is the 5K. I have many more posts that focus on new runners including 5k, 10k, half marathon, and soon marathon training plans.
Some of you might already be ready to run the 5K so you can skip the 1-mile training. This all depends on your physical fitness level. You can grab most of my free plans here:
Are You Looking For A Half Marathon Training Schedule?
12-week/15-week beginner half marathon training plan (free sign up required)
8-week beginner half marathon training plan
8-week intermediate half marathon training plan (easily run a 5K)
4-week advanced half marathon training plan (already run 6+ mile long runs)
Half marathon walking training plans complete with pacing charts
For additional resources see the training plans below or check out: The Beginner’s Guide To Running – FAQ
Help support me and subscribe to my YouTube channel. YouTube video - 30 ways to make your runs less painful! Coach Scott's Credentials:
To sign up for a FREE half marathon training schedule, log sheet, and pace predictor CLICK HERE.

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